Gameserver hosting made easy


Affordable, simple and easy hosting of your gameservers on premium hardware.


Starting from 39DKK/m


Starting from 40DKK/m


Starting from 79DKK/m



Sleek, simple and beautiful. We have spent a great deal of time setting up and customising our GamePanel to give our customers the best experience.


Our Key Features

Here are some of our key hosting features, that are included in all of our hosting plans.

DDoS Protection

Full Layer 4-7 DDoS protection with 180Gbps capacity. For all off our Hosting services.

Platform and hardware

Our platform is purely based on enterprise hardware, to ensure high stability for our customers.


We have datacenters on multiple locations, some our own and some located at a partner we rent enterprise servers from.

Unlimited Bandwidth

We don’t have any limits on the amount of data out customers send over our network.


Our Goal Is To Provide The Best Hosting Experience

We want to make a new standard within the Gameserver hosting industry. That is a tall order to live up to, but we are confident we can do it, everyone involved in HostingForge have previous work experience for large datacenters. So we bring the knowhow as well as the passion into what we do!

what we use in our setup

Only the best is good enough!

Esport team, organisation or creator?

Contact us if you are a part of an Esports team, Organisation or if you are a content creator. And let us help provide the best solution for your needs

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